INSEAD International Directors Network
The INSEAD Directors’ Network (IDN), is a Global INSEAD Alumni Club who are intent on
improving corporate governance to support INSEAD’s mission – “Business as a Force for
Good”. It is a powerful group of international Board members and Corporate Governance
Experts throughout the Globe who engage and facilitate both networking and exchange
opportunities on the latest in corporate governance.
IN-BOARD and IDN joint events
IDN is open to all INSEAD alumni that have finished the INSEAD Directors Programme (IDP), the IN-BOARD program, or who are active as board members.
All IDP and IN-BOARD alumni located in The Netherlands are invited to our local events once they are registered with the National Alumni Association. However, if you also want to receive invitations to the IDN forum in Fontainebleau, IDN webinars, and other international activities please indicate your interest for the IDN Global Club via MyInsead
or contact
Fennemiek.Gommer@Caracta.com (IDP-C, IDN Ambassador for NL).
For more information about IDN see https://blogs.insead.edu/idpn-globalclub/