The Initiative

IN-BOARD provides a platform for INSEAD alumni who are in, or intend to take up a supervisory role.

The initiative was started in 2009 in cooperation with the INSEAD business school in Fontainebleau and has now expanded over 6 countries, sharing experiences internationally.

The program

All IN-BOARD members have participated in a mandatory program of 3 days at INSEAD and 7 modules with our partners, preparing them for the duties and responsibilities of supervisory and advisory boards.

Download the program here

Download the local modules here

Meet our Members

Approximately 170 alumni have qualified for the program and understand what a supervisory role encompasses. They come from diverse backgrounds as listed companies, private companies, family enterprises, government and consultancies. Many have worked in several industries. They are experienced managers, have an international outlook and can bring an extensive network into play.

IN-BOARD has no commercial objective and is independent. It can facilitate in case of requests for supervisory board members. Should you wish to contact them please use the linkedin group IN-BOARD on Linkedin or contact the secretariat.

Code of Conduct

All members have signed the IN-BOARD Code of Conduct, emphasizing their independence, responsibility and dedication.

Code of Conduct

Corporate Governance

IN-BOARD aspires to contribute to stronger and better management in companies and organisations, setting an example ourselves and improving group dynamics of supervisors and non-executive directors.

More than improving governance through increased rules and regulations, IN-BOARD advocates integrity and interpersonal effectiveness of directors, with a focus on group interaction.

Continued learning

We believe that members need to continue learning, to share knowledge and discuss their experiences in boards. Our partners support this initiative with their expertise.

For this reason IN-BOARD organises the Governance Lab and Master Classes.

If you are an alumna or alumnus of INSEAD and wish to participate, please contact the secretariat for information on dates of the program and qualification.

BoardCompanions and IDN

IN-BOARD actively cooperates with BoardCompanions and IDN – INSEAD International Directors Network to support good governance


Wave 16 is starting end of November, check the event calendar for dates.


With deep regret we pass on the untimely death of Jaap-Willem Bruining (MBA’01D), IN-BOARD board member and an active member of the IAA.

After a short illness, Jaap passed away on May 17th leaving his wife Sofie and daughter Amelie.
We will all miss Jaap with his drive, his sportiveness and his organization for the IN-BOARD and IAA community. But above all we will miss his warm companionship and sense of humor.
On behalf of the IN-BOARD team,
Peter Nientker
IN-BOARD chairman

Upcoming Events


This initiative is developed in close cooperation with our Partners