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One year ago we announced our plans to launch Board Companions in the Netherlands, in October 2021 we held our first speed date, today we are engaged with 10 NGOs and for the remainder of this year with potentially 20 new opportunities for alumni to become an NGO Board Member or Top Advisor! In Belgium there are 48 active Board Companions!

Governance is at the center of IN-BOARD/ IDP-C, and Alumni can become a Board Companion and consequently join NGOs as independent, pro-bono board member. Engaging, sharing and learning with large or smaller, national or regional NGOs with a range of sectors. We work together with e.g. het Oranjefonds, FIN, VSB Fonds, Fonds Gehandicaptensport and covering sectors such as People & Society, Sports & Wellbeing, Nature & Animals, Sustainability and Art & Culture. Board Companions contribute on areas such as governance, growth development, finance, strategy, succession planning and concentrating at cross-fertilization in between the business and non-profit worlds. See the Board Companion page at the INSEAD IN-BOARD website https://in-board.nl/boardcompanions/

Feedback from NGOs and INSEAD Alumni taught us that there is a very good fit between NGOs and Board Companions. Companion spends between 1 to 4 hours per week with an NGO, and is perceived as an enriching, valuable, and very meaningful experience.

We would like to invite you for a webinar on June 30 van 20:00-21:00 with Board Companions Netherlands:

  • Welcome by Peter Nientker, President IN-BOARD IDP-C
  • Board Companions in the Netherlands
  • Examples of Board Companions with NGOs
  • Plans for the remainder of 2022 and how to join
  • Q&A

After the webinar we will send a short survey to get an understanding about your interest to become a candidate for a Companion/Board Member of an NGO.

We believe that business plays an important role in shaping society and driving positive societal change. Working together with NGOs and learning from each other is a great way to drive real tangible impact. Getting involved at Board level with an NGO will serve you as a leader and it doesn’t really matter if you are in mid-career of in the autumn of your professional life! As a Board Companion you bring Business as a Force for Good in action!

Please contact Mary Linn if you want to attend

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